- Group Homework/Lab
###Time Required:
- 4/5 hours
- overnight
- Ruby
- Objects/Classes
- Initializer
- Accessors
- gets.chomp
- Multi-file projects ('require')
- Practice creating objects
- You should work on this lab in groups
- You are the manager at HappiTails animal shelter. You need to manage your shelter by storing and manipulating information about clients and animals.
- Make git commits as you finish each phase, so you can see the history
###Specification: #####Object Specs:
- An animal should have a name.
- An animal should have an age.
- An animal should have a gender.
- An animal should have a species.
- An animal can have multiple toys.
- A client should have a name.
- A client should have an age.
- A client should have a number of pets.
- A client should have a hash of pets (with pet names as keys and animal (object) as values)
- A client should be able to accept a pet and add it to their pets list
- A client should be able to give up a pet from their list
- The shelter should have a name.
- The shelter should have an address.
- The shelter should be able to return all the clients.
- The shelter should be able to return all the animals.
- The shelter should be able to accept an animal (add to it's list).
- The shelter should be able to accept a client (add to it's list).
- The shelter should be able to give a pet to a client
- The shelter should be able to accept pets from clients
#####Phase 1
- Define classes
#####Phase 2
- Animals and Clients can be added to the shelter
#####Phase 3
- Use pry to test out the functions you have written and ensure that your expectations are validated
- Add a text-interface that prompts user for input and PASSES the input information to the functions they have written. This lab should stress purely functional programming, and if an interface is created, input and output should not be mixed in with the class functions.
- What worked?