Pendulum is a fork of BareMetal OS, replacing the problematic parts of the operating system with more reasonable ones. Pendulum runs on the ext2 file system instead of the very limited and difficult to work with BMFS. Pendulum's interface has also been improved, commands are more remiscent of Unix commands instead of with DOS-like commands in BareMetal. Pendulum's boot strategy has been significantly improved. The kernel can now be installed as a regular file in the file system, and the build system will create code to load the kernel correctly. Pendulum has a redesigned build system based on simple makefiles, making compilation as simple as typing make.
In order to build Pendulum, the following host software is required:
- make - The Pendulum build system uses make
- yasm - Most of Pendulum is built with yasm
- nasm - unfortunately, nasm is still required to build part of the bootloader, PURE64, due to features which yasm does not yet support
- gcc (or another C compiler) - Although not required for building Pendulum itself, some host utilities (e.g. bootmap) are written in C
- Linux - Required for running bootmap (needed to create bootable image)
mkdir mp
make ext2
make run
Once Pendulum finishes booting, you will presented with a prompt ('>'), at this prompt, you can type the following built-in commands:
- help - displays a list of available built-in commands
- ver - Display Pendulum version
- ls - list contents of current directory
- clear - clear screen
- stat <file> - display information about file
- cat <file> - display contents of text file
- reboot - reboot computer
If a command is not recognized as a built-in command, Pendulum will search the current directory for a file with the given name and attempt to execute it
Pendulum (like BareMetal) is not a general purpose operating system. To use Pendulum to its full potential, will be writing software to run on it. Pendulum's system calls are documented in the docs/ directory. Note that while many system calls are compatible with BareMetal, many are also different, particularly the filesystem syscalls.