
This project is for the creation of a REST API which can be used by apps to interface with a database used by a related web app.


This is for setting up the hosting of the API. Provided you have access to the initial database there are tables to be created by running databaseAddOn.sql which can be found in the root folder of the project

Interfacing with API


Throughout the api, there will be a required header Authorization that should have the value Basic <token> where <token> is the authentication token for that user
This documentation assumes that every endpoint requires a RequestHeader for Authorisation unless started otherwise.

Logging in

When a user (whether employee/administrator or customer) logs in and is locally authenticated they need a token to be created.

Creating a new Token

Request Type GET
Endpoint: /chinook/token/create
Requires Authentication: NO
Parameters Supplied As: Query String
Parameter List
 Required - emailAddress - String
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/json containing either JSON with a key "message" and value " email address not found" with status 404 or JSON with a key "email" and value of the supplied email, alongside a key "token" with the newly generated authentication token with status 200

Deleting your active token

If a user wants to effectively log out, this is the process for deleting their current token.

Request Type DELETE
Endpoint: /chinook/token/create
Requires Authentication: NO
Parameters Supplied As: Query String
Parameter List
 Required - emailAddress - String
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/json containing either JSON with a key "message" and value " email address not found" with status 404 or JSON with a key "message" and value "Token cleared. You will need a new token to use the services again." with status 200

API Functionality


Endpoint: /chinook/album
Requires Authentication: NO
Parameter List
 Required - id - Integer
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/json representing the Album found or NULL of type application/textif not found\

Endpoint: /chinook/album/tracks
Requires Authentication: NO
Parameter List
 Required - albumId - Integer
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/json representing a list of Tracks, which can be empty if not found\

Endpoint: /chinook/artist
Requires Authentication: NO
Parameter List
 Required - id - Integer
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/json representing the Artist or NULL of type application/textif not found\

Endpoint: /chinook/customer
Requires Authentication: NO
Parameter List
 Required - id - Integer
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/json representing the customer found with status 200\

Endpoint: /chinook/customer/tracks
Requires Authentication: NO
Parameter List
 Required - customerId - Integer
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/json representing a list of Tracks bought by the customer,
which can be empty if not found or if customer did not buy any tracks.\

Endpoint: /chinook/discontinuedtrack
Requires Authentication: NO
Parameter List
 Required - id - Integer
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/json representing discontinuedTrack with status 200
or application/text containing null with status 404 if not found\

Endpoint: /chinook/discontinuedtracks Requires Authentication: NO Return Value HTTP Response of type application/json representing the list of all current discontinuedTrack

Endpoint: /chinook/playlist Requires Authentication: NO Parameter List  Required - id - Integer Return Value HTTP Response of type application/json representing PlayList or ``application/text``` containing "NULL" if not found

Endpoint: chinook/purchase-playlist/{playListId}
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Path Variable
Parameter List
 Required - playListId - Integer
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/text containing "Null" or of type application/json with the key "message" with a value of "Playlist Purchase Complete Total Price:" with the overall cost and a status of 200

Endpoint: chinook/album/customer/cost
Requires Authentication: NO
Parameters Supplied As: Query String
Parameter List
 Required - albumId - Integer
 Required - customerId - Integer
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/text containing the total cost and a status 200

Endpoint: chinook/album/cost
Requires Authentication: NO
Parameters Supplied As: Query String
Parameter List
 Required - albumId - Integer
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/text containing the total cost and a status 200

Endpoint: chinook/popularitybycountry/albums
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Query String
Parameter List
 Required - country - String
 Required - numRecords - Integer
 Required - sortType - String
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/text or application/json containing one of:\

  • "You are not authorized for this page with your current access level" and a status of 401\
  • Empty response and a status 400 if the sortType was not one of "ASC" or "DESC"\
  • A list of JSON objects representing the popularity ranking and a status 200\

Endpoint: chinook/popularitybycountry/artists
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Query String
Parameter List
 Required - country - String
 Required - numRecords - Integer
 Required - sortType - String
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/text or application/json containing one of:

  • "You are not authorized for this page with your current access level" and a status of 401
  • Empty response and a status 400 if the sortType was not one of "ASC" or "DESC"
  • A list of JSON objects representing the popularity ranking and a status 200

Endpoint: chinook/popularitybycountry/genres
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Query String
Parameter List
 Required - country - String
 Required - numRecords - Integer
 Required - sortType - String
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/text or application/json containing one of:

  • "You are not authorized for this page with your current access level" and a status of 401
  • Empty response and a status 400 if the sortType was not one of "ASC" or "DESC"
  • A list of JSON objects representing the popularity ranking and a status 200

Endpoint: chinook/popularitybycountry/playlists
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Query String
Parameter List
 Required - country - String
 Required - numRecords - Integer
 Required - sortType - String
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/text or application/json containing one of:

  • "You are not authorized for this page with your current access level" and a status of 401
  • Empty response and a status 400 if the sortType was not one of "ASC" or "DESC"
  • A list of JSON objects representing the popularity ranking and a status 200

Endpoint: chinook/popularitybycountry/tracks
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Query String
Parameter List
 Required - country - String
 Required - numRecords - Integer
 Required - sortType - String
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/text or application/json containing one of:

  • "You are not authorized for this page with your current access level" and a status of 401
  • Empty response and a status 400 if the sortType was not one of "ASC" or "DESC"
  • A list of JSON objects representing the popularity ranking and a status 200

Endpoint: chinook/track/buy
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Request Body and Query String
Parameter List
 Required - id - Integer
 Required - Request Body containing authorization header in same format as specified
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/text containing one of:

  • "Not Authorized" and a status of 401
  • "Token Not Valid" and a status 403
  • "Track does not exist" and a status 404
  • "Customer already owns this track" and a status of 200
  • "Invoice(s) created" and a status 200

Endpoint: /chinook/track
Requires Authentication: NO
Parameter List
 Required - id - Integer
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/json representing the Track found with status 200


Endpoint: chinook/album/create
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Request Body
Parameter List
 Required - JSON Body representative of an Album
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/text containing either "Not Authorized" and a status of 401 or "Album Created" and a status 200

Endpoint: chinook/artist/create
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Request Body
Parameter List
 Required - JSON Body representative of an Album
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/text containing either "Not Authorized" and a status of 401 or "Artist Created" and a status 200

Endpoint: chinook/customer/create
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Request Body
Parameter List
 Required - JSON Body representative of a Customer
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/text containing either "Not Authorized" and a status of 401 or "Customer Created" and a status 200

Endpoint: chinook/discontinuedtrack/insert
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Request Body
Parameter List
 Required - JSON Body representative of a DiscontinuedTrack
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/json containing the new DiscontinuedTrack with status code 200.

Endpoint: chinook/playlist/create
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Request Body
Parameter List
 Required - JSON Body representative of a Playlist
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/json containing the new Playlist with status code 200

Endpoint: chinook/playlist/add
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Request Body*Parameter List*
 Required - JSON Body representative of a Playlist Track
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/json containing the new Playlist Track with status code 200

Endpoint: chinook/playlist/remove
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Request Body
Parameter List
 Required - JSON Body representative of a Playlist Track
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/json containing the new Playlist Track with status code 200

Endpoint: chinook/album/purchase
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Query String
Parameter List
 Required - Integer - albumID
 Required - Integer - customerID
 Required - String - billingAddress
 Required - String - billingCity
 Required - String - billingCountry
 Required - String - postalCode
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/text containing one of:

  • "Not Authorized" and a status of 401
  • "No customer entry exists with that ID" and a status 404
  • "No album entry exists with that ID" and a status 404
  • "Successfully registered purchase of N tracks" and a status 200

Endpoint: chinook/track/create
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Request Body
Parameter List
 Required - JSON Body representative of a Track
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/text containing either "Not Authorized" and a status of 401 or "Track Created" and a status 200


Endpoint: chinook/album/update
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Request Body
Parameter List
 Required - JSON Body representative of an Album
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/text containing either "Not Authorized" and a status of 401 or "Album Updated" and a status 200

Endpoint: chinook/artist/update
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Request Body
Parameter List
 Required - JSON Body representative of an Artist
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/text containing either "Not Authorized" and a status of 401 or "Artist Updated" and a status 200

Endpoint: chinook/customer/update
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Request Body
Parameter List
 Required - JSON Body representative of a Customer
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/text containing either "Not Authorized" and a status of 401 or "Customer Updated" and a status 200

Endpoint: chinook/track/update
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Request Body
Parameter List
 Required - JSON Body representative of a Track
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/text containing either "Not Authorized" and a status of 401 or "Track Updated" and a status 200


Endpoint: chinook/playlist/update
Requires Authentication: NO
Parameters Supplied As: Request Body
Parameter List
 Required - JSON Body representative of a Playlist
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/json containing the updated Playlist as JSON and a status 200 or application/text and the string "null" with status 200


Endpoint: chinook/album/delete
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Query String
Parameter List
 Required - id - Integer
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/text containing either "Not Authorized" and a status of 401 or "Album Deleted" and a status 200

Endpoint: chinook/artist/delete
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Query String
Parameter List
 Required - id - Integer
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/text containing either "Not Authorized" and a status of 401 or "Artist Deleted" and a status 200

Endpoint: chinook/token/delete
Requires Authentication: NO
Parameters Supplied As: Query String
Parameter List
 Required - emailAddress - String
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/json containing a single key "Message", with value "Token cleared. You will need a new token to use the services again." and a status of 200 or "email address not registered" and a status 404

Endpoint: chinook/customer/delete
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Query String
Parameter List  Required - id - Integer Return Value HTTP Response of type application/text containing either "Not Authorized" and a status of 401 or "Customer Deleted" and a status 200

Endpoint: chinook/discontinuedtrack/delete
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Query String
Parameter List
 Required - id - Integer
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/text containing either "Not Authorized" and a status of 401 or "Track removed from discontinued" and a status 200

Endpoint: chinook/invoice/delete
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Query String
Parameter List
 Required - id - Integer
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/text containing either "Not Authorized" and a status of 401 or "Invoice Deleted" and a status 200

Endpoint: chinook/playlist/delete
Requires Authentication: NO
Parameters Supplied As: Query String
Parameter List
 Required - id - Integer
Return Value Empty HTTP Response with status 204

Endpoint: chinook/track/delete
Requires Authentication: YES
Parameters Supplied As: Query String
Parameter List
 Required - id - Integer
Return Value HTTP Response of type application/text containing either "Not Authorized" and a status of 401 or "Track Deleted" and a status 200