
I have developed basic banking system web application as a web development intern in Spark Foundation I have used HTMl, CSS, JavaScript and PHP database as a MySQL also Razor Pay Payment Gatway

Primary LanguagePHP

Payment Gateway Integration

I have developed basic banking system web application as a web development intern in Spark Foundation I have used HTMl, CSS, JavaScript and PHP database as a MySQL also Razor Pay Payment Gatway

Technology Used


2. CSS

3. Java Script

4. php

5. MySQL Database

Step to Setup

1. Install a Xampp Server and start it. install xampp server

2. open the htdocs folder and create your own folder like your name then open CMD and type command =>

git clone https://github.com/pruthvi7384/Payment-Gateway-Integration-.git

3. Create Database name is payment_gatway_integration and import database table payment_gatway_integration.sql

4. After Sussesful Clone open in Text Editor

5. Finaly Open The Browser and type localhost

6. Your Website Sussesfuly Runing In LocalHost

Site Screen Shorts

Website Screen Short

Home Page

Donation Form

Razorpay Payment Checkout Page

Payment Recipt