This repository contains my solutions to various LeetCode problems, solved using Python.

Primary LanguagePython

Welcome to my LeetCode solutions repository! Here, you'll find a collection of problem files, each containing both the problem description and my solution.

How to Use

  • Problems are organized by type (e.g., Arrays, Strings, Dynamic Programming) in separate folders.
  • Navigate through the folders to find the problem you're interested in.
  • Each problem is contained within a single file, named in the format ProblemNumber_ProblemName.py (e.g., 001_TwoSum.py, 002_AddTwoNumbers.py).
  • Open the file to view the problem description and solution. Additionally, the approach is documented along with the solution. (Look for comments or sections in the code that explain the thought process, algorithm, and any key considerations.)


If you'd like to contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your contributions.
  3. Make your changes and submit a pull request.
  4. Provide a clear description of your changes.

Happy coding!