Welcome to Remix!

This package is heavily inspired by Remix's Architect starter (arc deployment option in npx create-remix).

Serverless Setup

When deploying to AWS Lambda with the Serverless framework, you'll need:

  • Serverless CLI (sls or serverless)

Serverless recommends installing the serverless cli globally:

npm i -g serverless


During development, we will use the standard remix dev command.

npm run dev

If you want to use serverless-offline with some aspects of your project, you'll need to run that as a separate script, or use something like concurrently to run both processes in one command.

Open up http://localhost:3000 and you should be ready to go!


Before you can deploy, you'll need to install the AWS CLI.

If you want to use the Serverless Dashboard, you'll need to configure the Serverless CLI and add the app key to your serverless.yml file.

If you make it through all of that, you're ready to deploy!

  1. build the app for production:

    npm run build
  2. Deploy with sls

    sls deploy

You're in business!

There's a deploy script in package.json already that will handle both parts if that's your thing.

# stage defaults to "dev"
npm run deploy
# or
npm run deploy -- --stage production
# or
yarn deploy --stage production

The first deployment will take a little while longer because it has to set up the CloudFront distribution, so expect it to take about 5 minutes.

After deploying, if you want to visit your CloudFront endpoint, you can run sls info --verbose to get the WebsiteDomain output from the Cloudformation stack.

The Result

After deploying, you'll have an S3 bucket for storing static assets, your Remix app running in AWS Lambda behind API Gateway, and CloudFront as a CDN in front of both services.

Limitations and First-deployment configuration

There is a limitation when using CloudFront with API Gateway that CloudFront cannot forward the Host header. This means that there isn't a default way to know which domain a user is requesting from by default. This makes request.url in Remix show the API Gateway domain instead of the CloudFront domain, which will be noticeable when using redirects from actions and loaders or building URLs from the request URL. In order to address this,you need to add the X-Forwarded-Host to the origin cache policy for API Gateway. The @remix-run/architect adapter will read this header when transforming the API Gateway request for the Remix request handler.


  1. Deploy the stack
  2. run sls info --verbose to get the WebsiteDomain from "Stack Outputs"
  3. Copy the WebsiteDomain into serverless.yml under custom > dev > HOST and uncomment the OriginCustomHeaders block for the RemixOrigin.
  4. Deploy again

Deploy the stack for the first time

Follow the deployment steps.

Get the WebsiteDomain

If you use a custom domain for your CloudFront distribution, you can skip to the next section.

After the deployment completes, run the following in your terminal at the project root:

sls info --verbose

You'll get an output similar to the following:

Serverless: Running "serverless" installed locally (in service node_modules)
Service Information
service: remix-serverless-app
stage: dev
region: us-east-1
stack: remix-serverless-app-dev
resources: 16
api keys:
  ANY - https://xxxxxxxxxxxxx.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/{proxy+}
  remix: remix-serverless-app-dev-remix

Stack Outputs
WebsiteDomain: xxxxxxxxxxxx.cloudfront.net
WebsiteBucketName: remix-serverless-app-dev-websitebucket-somerandomid
HttpApiId: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
RemixLambdaFunctionQualifiedArn: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:xxx:function:remix-serverless-app-dev-remix:1
ServerlessDeploymentBucketName: remix-serverless-app-dev-serverlessdeploymentbuck-xxxxxxxx
HttpApiUrl: https://xxxxxxxxxxxxx.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com

From this output, copy the WebsiteDomain value from the "Stack Outputs" section.

Add the X-Forwarded-Host header

In serverless.yml, add paste the copied WebsiteDomain value.

    HOST: xxxxxxxxxxxx.cloudfront.net # Replace this value

Then, uncomment the OriginCustomHeaders block:

    - HeaderName: X-Forwarded-Host
      HeaderValue: ${self:${self:provider.stage}.HOST}

Deploy again!

  sls deploy
  # or npm run deploy

After deploying, your Remix app will use the domain from the X-Forwarded-Host header as the domain.

You'll want to add a domain for the prod or any other deployment stages you intend to use as well. If you configure CloudFront to use a custom domain, you will need to use your custom domain as the value instead of the CloudFront default.