Temperature Log API

this project uses Flask to create and api to lot the temperature. Currently the master branch is set up for Azure web app hosting


to run this flask app set FLASK_APP to app i.e set FLASK_APP=app, then to run flask run


to use most, if not all the of the functionality of the API you first need to gen a key with /getkey, with the key it returns you can now put it after and API function to use that keys data i.e: /update?key=YOURKEY&temp=0 updates YOURKEY's temp data with a value of 0.

API calls are:
/getkey to create a new key.
/ gives users a plot of the temps.
/update with parameters of temp.
/remove/log to remove that keys log.
/remove/key to remove that key.

place confidential configs in /instance/config.py and be sure its on the .gitignore or check its not in staging

base code by Rohyl Joshi @ github.com/Trontor