
A Maven archetype for a project that will use Groovy and Spock

Primary LanguageGroovyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is a spin-off fork from prystasj/maven-groovy-spock-archetype, aimed at fixing/upgrading a couple of archetype pom definitions. Specifically,

1.    cglib.version property is updated to 2.2.2
2.    groovy.eclipse.compiler.version property is updated to 2.7.0-01
3.    groovy.version property is updated to 2.1.3
4.    objenesis.version property is updated to 1.3
5.    spock.version property is updated to 0.7-groovy-2.0
6.    spring.version property is updated to 3.2.2.RELEASE
7.    added project.build.sourceEncoding default property as 'utf-8'
8.    maven-compiler-plugin is upgraded to 3.1
9.    maven-surefire-plugin is upgraded to 2.14.1
10.    added includes for **/*Test.groovy and **/*Spec.groovy sources in maven-surefire-plugin configuration

A Maven archetype for a project that will use Groovy and the Spock testing framework.

To make the archetype available locally, until an artifact is made available, check it out and install with:

$ git clone git@github.com:prystasj/maven-groovy-spock-archetype.git
$ cd maven-groovy-spock-archetype
$ mvn install

To create an instance of the archetype after it is installed:

$ mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.stash.maven.archetypes \
                         -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-groovy-spock-archetype \

After adding the coordinates, you should have a project structure containing one Groovy source file and one Spock specification:

+-- pom.xml
\-- src
    +-- main
    |   +-- groovy
    |      +-- package
    |           +-- Adder.groovy
    \-- test
        +-- groovy
            +-- package
                +-- AdderSpec.groovy

To try it out, simply run:

$ mvn install

Please send any feedback/questions/complaints to: