
A simple screenshot web service powered by Express and node-webkit.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A simple screenshot web service powered by Kue, Express and electron. Inspired by fzaninotto/screenshot-as-a-service

This screenshot-service is using node-webkit which comes with a recent version of Chromium. In contrast to phantomjs node-webkit supports 3D CSS and WebGL and therefore can produce better screenshots.


See this DEMO (Be aware that it is running on a $5 digitalocean machine. Be patient!)


  1. node-webkit in PATH
  2. node
  3. redis

Things you should know

On OS X the node-webkit executable is called node-webkit and on linux and Windows it's called nw. Keep that in mind.


  1. git clone https://github.com/FWeinb/nodeshot.git && cd nodeshot
  2. Bootstrap the project ./bootstrap.sh
  3. Start/Install redis
  4. Run ./start.sh server once
  5. Run ./start.sh renderer X where X is is the number/name of the renderer. (You can start more than one)
  6. Open http://localhost:8080/?url=http://s.codepen.io/FWeinb/fullpage/oyACz
  7. See http://localhost:8080/kue for queued jobs. (See the password in nodeshot-server/config/default.yaml.)

API Usage

Simple API

The result of each request will be the requested image.

# Take a screenshot
GET /?url=www.google.com
# Return a 1024x600 PNG screenshot of the www.google.com homepage

# Take a screenshot with transparency
GET /?url=www.google.com&transparent=true
# Return a 1024x600 PNG screenshot of the www.google.com homepage

# Take a screenshot of the whole page
GET /?url=www.google.com&page=true
# Return a screenshot of the whole www.google.com homepage

# Custom viewport size
GET /?url=www.google.com&width=800&height=600
# Return a 800x600 PNG screenshot of the www.google.com homepage

# Screenshot delay
GET /?url=www.google.com&delay=1000
# Return a 1024x600 PNG screenshot of the www.google.com homepage
# 1 second after it's loaded

Ajax API

The result of each request will be an JSON object.

Same options as in the Simple API. Just prefix the request with /ajax/


# Take a screenshot
GET /ajax/?url=www.google.com
# Success: 200 {"request" : "success", "url" : "[URL to resulting image]"}
# Error: 500 {"request" : "failed", "reason" : "[Message]"}


This project is using node-config.

Extended configuration

node-webkit can pass startup flags to chromium via the chromium-args value in the package.json. See node-webkit manifest-format for more information.


Please change the default password in nodeshot-server/config/default.yaml

Using a headless node-webkit via xvfb

DISCLAIMER: For WebGL/3D CSS support you need hardware acceleration. Keep that in mind!

Get a VM (optional)

  1. Go to https://www.digitalocean.com/
  2. Create a $5 droplet with Ubuntu
  3. Login via ssh

Installing xvfb

  1. Install minmal xorg sudo apt-get install xorg
  2. Install xvfb sudo apt-get install xvfb
  3. Install fonts sudo apt-get install xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-scalable xfonts-cyrillic
  4. Install ttf fonts sudo apt-get install -y x-ttcidfont-conf cabextract ttf-mscorefonts-installer (Accept the EULA)
  5. Reconfigure fonts sudo dpkg-reconfigure --default-priority x-ttcidfont-conf (This fixed an issue for me)
  6. Start xvfb on display :99 xvfb :99 &
  7. Make :99 the default display export DISPLAY=:99

Installing node-webkit and screenshot-service

  1. Download node-webkit and put it on PATH
  2. Start/Install redis
  3. Get this repo git clone https://github.com/fweinb/nodeshot && cd nodeshot
  4. Bootstrap the project ./bootstrap.sh
  5. Run ./start.sh server once
  6. Run ./start.sh renderer X where X is is the number/name of the renderer. (You can start more than one)
  7. Open http://[IP]:8080/?url=http://s.codepen.io/FWeinb/fullpage/oyACz

Thanks to

Joshua Hibbert for creating the logo.