A Python application that allows users to sing in front of their laptop's microphone, processes the recording using the Whisper API, and then leverages a Large Language Model (LLM) to recognize the song.
- abdalimKuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- abene2
- ajay-a1India
- AlessandroAnniniTeamSystem
- amikishiyevBaku, Azerbaijan
- amorphous1
- arthtyagi@getrentzy
- ashsidhuCanada
- Aymane11
- bastijnvPhilips
- boralp
- brendansudolasheville nc
- bsmth@Mozilla
- byzantinus
- dylanBenFrance
- ericruleman
- everhuskEarth
- gfmmoreira@PicnicSupermarket
- iou90
- kozmic
- log101
- majickdave@MusicMind
- mamezy
- marcelarieWorldsensing
- mathiasnovas@tryhuset
- matteogaldiBabylon Cloud
- mritzmann@opsone-ch
- mrxvt
- msliczniak
- NiklasA95@clickconcepts
- OctopusET
- oz1127Berlin
- pabloski80
- rileycraneSan Francisco, CA
- stelabourasBreakpoint Mobile
- unknowncoder05TMF