
Player stats analyzer for faceit.com csgo matches

Primary LanguageGroovy


Build Status codecov

Tuscan.pro is an open-source project using Faceit API for presentation and analysis of recent and overall CS:GO players performance during Faceit matches.

Related projects:

  • tuscan-frontend - Angular application presenting player data fetched from tuscan-service
  • faceit-lobby-extension - Google Chrome extension which helps during map picking on Faceit CS:GO matches.
  • demo-parser - AWS Lambda function written in golang able to parse given demo file and send details about it to any endpoint


  1. JDK 11
  2. Docker
  1. Create your own application-local.yml file in /resources directory. You can use application-local-template.yml as a template.
  2. Obtain your faceit api key at Faceit Developers Portal and replace {API_KEY} placeholder with it.
  3. Run commands
./gradlew build
./gradlew bootRun --args='--spring.profiles.active=local'
  1. Optional: If you need frontend during your development you can clone tuscan-frontend repo and run it separately
  2. When the development will be finished, all docker services can be shut down with command:
docker-compose down