Using rsync instead of FTP is (extremely) more efficient way of deploying files in Phpstorm (and - probably - other IDEs from its family). Adventages are proportional to a quantity of files you need to sync. In a case of large projects it is definitely quicker way.
Procedure described below will let you deploy local files to a remote server using rsync. It assumes that a remote dir is a subdir of your home dir and its name equals the project name. E.g.:
Project name: my-new-virus
Remote dir: ~/my-new-virus
WARNING: my solution implies primate of local files over remote ones. The latter will be deleted if they haven't local counterpart. So - be careful. There is no version control built into this solution. If you want change this behavior you can do it by changing rsync invocation params at
Clone this repository to a chosen local location. For a purpose of this manual we assume that it is C:\repos\phpstorm-rsync-sh.
Download Cygwin from During selecting of packages make sure that rsync and openssh are chosen and pending for install. Install it.
Create ssh keys unless you have got some. I worked only with keys not secured by password but may there is a solution for a password-protected keys also. First Gooogle result with a how-to:
Make Phpstorm (or other JetBrain's IDE) external tool
Push CTRL + ALT + S or simply click File -> Settings.
Type "external tools" in a search field to narrow options.
Chose "External Tools" tab and click a plus sign on the right part of a displayed window. A new external tool dialog should appear.
Name your external tool as you want (e.g. "Deploy by Rsync")
"Program" field - input a path to bash.exe binary from a Cygwin (e.g. "C:\Cygwin\bin\bash.exe")
"Argument" field - input
--login [local path to from this repo] [your login@deployment server url] [path to your local ssh key] $ProjectFileDir$ $ProjectName$
, Example:--login C:\repos\phpstorm-rsync-sh\ "" "/home/user/.ssh/rsa-no-pass" $ProjectFileDir$ $ProjectName$
Set Cygwin binaries dir as a working dir
Optional: check "Open console for tool output" and its both children-values if you want to see what is happening during rsyncing.
A new item in Tools -> External Tools should appear. Use it to push your files into remote destination.
Add a keybord shortcut - optional Find the tab "Keymap" in Phpstorm settings (CTRL + ALT + S) and select a favorite keyboard shortcut for a external tool you made.
Set up ingnored files editing rsync-exclude file (which is also a part of this repo). For example: it is - probably - not bead idea to exclude Phpstorm project files from syncing (and .idea dir is included as excluded ;) by default).
Skip Cygwin installation and follow other points for Windows.