
To display in a nice HTML/CSS format a content of Network Map json endpoint.

Primary LanguagePython

Display Network Map's Node information using Python/Flask

A simple python script to display Network Map's nodes information in a web browser.

What does it do

It displays the content of JSON endpoint from Network Map: An example


  • python 3

    plus python 3 packages:

    • flask
    • flask_table
    • configparser
    • json
    • os
    • requests

How to use

  • git clone https://github.com/przemolb/networkmap-json
  • cd networkmap-json
  • add nmapjson.ini file with definitions of endpoints in the following format:
description=Full description of environment_1

description=Full description of environment_2

  • run ./run.it
  • click one of the available environments at the top of web page


  • the nmapjson.ini file is being re-read every time you refresh a web page - no need to restart this application after adding new environments
  • it is supposed to be run locally on your workstation/laptop - Flask builtin web server is not recommended to run in production