
This is plugins collection for working with docker-machine through ansible

Primary LanguagePython


This is plugins collection for working with docker-machine through ansible.

Provided plugins:

  • Connection plugin This plugin extends local.py connection plugin and set environment variables DOCKER_HOST, DOCKER_CERT_PATH, DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY to every exec commands.
  • Machines creation/deletion module This module is wrapper on docker-machine create/rm command. Include only DigitalOcean drivers.
  • docker_image This is patched ansible core module docker_image for support DOCKER_HOST ans tls configuration. Without this patch originally docker_image dont'work with docker_machine connection.
  • Dynamic inventory Build inventory from local configured docker-machine's.

How to test

This command create new machine on DigitalOcean with name test-machine and deploy nginx container on test-machine:

ansible-playbook -i hosts.py playbook.yml -e token=YOU_DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN
# And you may open browser and see "Welcome to nginx!". Ip is - `docker-machine ip test-machine`

This is equivalent:

  • docker-machine create --driver=digitalocean --digitalocean-access-token=YOU_DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN test-machine
  • docker $(docker-machine config test-machine) run --name nginx -d -p 80:80 nginx