Unstructured Tetrahedral Mesh Viewer.


CUDA - Convert mesh data into volume texture (brute force method).

OpenGL - Real time rendering (raymarching).

Compile with Visual Studio command line: nvcc -o demo.exe demo.cu -lopengl32 -arch=sm_30 user32.lib gdi32.lib

Run executable with command line parameters.


demo filename mapsize steps cminr cming cminb cmaxr cmaxg cmaxb intensity threshold crangemin crangemax resX resY mode bin offx offy offz


filename - VTK file;

mapsize - (int) volume texture resolution;

steps - (int) raymarching iterator;

cminr cming cminb - RGB value for minimal scalar;

cmaxr cmaxg cmaxb - RGB value for maximum scalar;

intensity - transfer function intensity;

threshold - loop threshold (raymarching);

crangemin - minimum interpolator for scalars;

crangemax - maximum interpolator for scalars;

resX - screen width;

resY - screen height;

mode - mode (0) voxelize mesh and render, mode (1) load 3D texture from file, mode (2) save 3D texture to file;

bin - binary file (if active mode==1 or mode==2);

offx offy offz - voxel map offset after interpolation (in range 0-1).

Example usage: demo obraz3LW_A.vtk 128 128 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1280.0 720.0 0 image.bin 0.25 0.25 0.0

Tested with NVCC version 9.0.176 and RTX 2070.

Key binding:

mouse - camera rotation;

WSAD - camera translation;


keys U I O P - decrease xmin, increase xmin, decrease xmax, increase xmax;

keys H J K L - decrease ymin, increase ymin, decrease ymax, increase ymax;

keys V B N M - decrease zmin, increase zmin, decrease zmax, increase zmax;

hold X - debug mode (blending off and show bounding box)

ESC - exit

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