
Port of the HTML5 Up Striped theme for Hugo

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


A Hugo theme based on the HTML5 UP Striped theme.


  • Pagination
  • Tagging
  • Disqus
  • Source code highlighting
  • Google Analytics
  • Minified CSS and JS

Setup Google Search



  • Copyright: Your copyright text
  • DisqusShortname: Disqus shortcode
  • Title: Used in head title
  • Paginate: Sets the number of items shown in each pagnation
  • Taxonomies: Sections you wish to break your content into. NB: If you're adding new taxonomies, you must include the "category" and "tags" taxonomies in your new list as it overrides the original.


  • about: Create a link to about/index.html for an about me page
  • contact: Create a link to contact/index.html for a contact page
  • excerpt.perPage: Number of post excerpts to show per page (over this gets paginated)
  • favicon: favicon image name
  • search.google.cx: custom search ID for Google
  • maxPagination: Maximum number of paginated pages to list (default 10)
  • shareThis:
    • id: Your sharethis publisher ID
    • sites: Array of ShareThis supported sites to provide
    • doNotHash: Enable/Disable CopyNShare
    • doNotCopy: If false, “See more: yourURL.com#SThashtag” will appear after a user pastes texts after a copy action.
    • hashAddressBar: If true, a special #hastag will be appended to the end of your address bar URL
  • sidebar:
    • about: String to replace "About" with. Use false to disable.
    • contact: String to replace "Contact" with. Use false to disable.
    • categories:
      • top: Number of most used categories to show (default 5, -1 to disable showing categories)
    • logo:
      • target: Where to send users if they click the logo (default "/")
      • title: The title for the logo (default "Home")
    • recentPosts: Number of posts to show under "Recent Posts" (default 5, -1 to disable showing recent posts)
    • recentUpdates: Number of non-post updates to show under "Recent Updates" (default 5, -1 to disable showing recent updates)
    • tags: Number of most used tags to show (default 5, -1 to disable showing tags)

Example Params

baseurl = "https://gometric.us/"
title = "Go Metric"
author = "Paul Armstrong"
copyright = "2008 - 2016, Paul Armstrong; all rights reserved."
canonifyurls = true
paginate = 3
theme = "hugo-html5up-striped"
  about = true
  maxPagination = 10
    recent = 3
    cx = '0000000000:abc123'
    id = 'abc-123-abc'
    sites = [ "email", "digg" ]
    about = false
    recentPosts = 5


Development requires the following tools to work with CSS and JS:

npm install -g clean-css-cli
npm install -g sass
npm install -g uglify-js