
A Vim plug-in that calculates the Flesch-Kincaid readability index per line.

Primary LanguageVim Script


A Vim plug-in that calculates the Flesch-Kincaid readability grade for every line in your document and displays the result in the sign column.


Plug-in requires the odyssey ruby library for calculating the index.


  • With pathogen.vim:

      cd ~/.vim/bundle
      git clone git://github.com/pondrejk/vim-readability.git
  • With Vundle:

      " .vimrc
      Bundle 'pondrejk/vim-readability'


To initialize the sign column:


To turn it off:


There is also the :ReadGradeToggle command you can map to a selected key in your .vimrc, for example:

nmap <silent> <F11> :ReadGradeToggle<CR>
imap <silent> <F11> <ESC>:ReadGradeToggle<CR>
cmap <silent> <F11> <ESC>:ReadGradeToggle<CR>

To automatically update the column on buffer save (disabled by default), put this into your .vimrc:

let g:readability_onsave = 0

To customize colors used in GUI, set the following variables in your .vimrc (default values displayed here):

let g:read_guifg="#000000"
let g:read_guibg_dumb="#41ae76"
let g:read_guibg_easy="#238b45"
let g:read_guibg_medium="#006d2c"
let g:read_guibg_hard="#ff6666"
let g:read_guibg_bloat="#ff0000"

Similarly for the console colors:

let g:read_ctermfg="Black"
let g:read_ctermbg_dumb="LightGreen"
let g:read_ctermbg_easy="Green"
let g:read_ctermbg_medium="DarkGreen"
let g:read_ctermbg_hard="LightMagenta"
let g:read_ctermbg_bloat="Red"

Readability column in action in GUI and CLI (sentences are from an excellent essay by Hugh McGuire):

To blacklist selected words from calculation, enable the following variable in your .vimrc:

let g:readability_blacklist_on = 1

By default, plug-in searches for the blacklist at .vim/bundle/vim-readability/blacklist.txt", you can change the path by setting the following variable in your .vimrc (default shown):

let g:readability_blacklist_path = ".vim/bundle/vim-readability/blacklist.txt"

Notes & known issues

  • readability metrics provided by odyssey are designed for English only
  • right now, there is just one sign column in Vim, so if you use git-gutter or similar plug-in, vim-readability will overwrite signs made by these plug-ins, sorry


  • implement and other readability metrics provided by odyssey
  • be friends with markdown and asciidoc (odyssey does xml parsing by default)