
Ajax Error Representor

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#ajax error representater

You have an ajax form, you have put up server side validations over fields and you return those validations errors in json hash format from server.

Now if you want to show those json errors inline, then this plugin can help you to display errors in a cool way.


Just copy the javascripts, stylesheets and copy them inside yours application's respective folders and include them in your template.


To apply this js on the ajax form easy. The plugin takes some assumptions. Later on i will update it to make it more flexible.

Suppose you are creating messages, so here is an assumption that the 'entity_type' of the form is 'message' and ids of the fields in the form should be prepended with 'message', the entity type.

For example, if you have a text field 'subject', then id of the text field should be 'message_subject'. if you have a text field 'body', it id of the text field should be 'message_body'

If you are using Rails, this happens automatically.

Assuming the id of the form is 'new_message'. So, below your form you write

var message_form = new AjaxErrorRepresenter('message', {form_id: "new_meesage"});

From the server side you just return errors in json hash with name of fields/attribute as key and error as a value.

For example:

{subject: "can't be blank", body: "can't be blank"}

Additional Information

If you face any difficulty or confusion regarding using this plugin or you want to have some customization, i request you to put up an issue or mail me at prashantsahni5@gmail.com. Thanks