Collection of demos from the Swift Arcade YouTube channel. Animations 🍄 Core Graphics Intro Core Animation Intro Gradients Shadows Login Form Field Shimmer Loading Effect Weathery 🌦 Weathery App Starbucks ☕ Starbucks App Spotify 🎵 Spotify Playlist Spotify Album Communication Patterns 🔈 Protocol Delegate Pattern Closures Responder Chain Key-Value Observing (KVO) Navigation Patterns ⚓️ MainViewController Architecture 🏠 Default UIKit CoreData 🏢 Getting Started NSFetchedResultsController Codegen Background threads Unit Tests Design 🎨 Load & Retry Screens Bottom Sheet 1 Bottom Sheet 2 Onboarding Custom Badge Foundation 🧱 NSAttributedStrings Pluralization Deep Linking Working with Nibs Swift 🎮 Functions as Variables UIKit 🏗 Misc UIPanGestureRecognizer UICollectionView Flow Layout Compositional Layout UINavigationController Navigation Patterns Large Titles UIScrollView Understanding UIScrollView Custom ScrollableTabView UITableView Diffable Data Source Moveable Cells Simple UITableView Swipeable Cells UIViewController Large ViewController Strategies Model View Presenter (MVP) Interview Prep Cheat sheet XCode Shortcuts / Cheatsheets