Nearo is a directory or list of personal ads presented in proximity order, thus helping to keep the publication relevant. It is similar to CL, but with a modern design and system to improve users' safety.
Demo: Coming soon
You must have a Firebase account to run this application(with hosting, storage, and database enabled). For item indexation and search, the application uses Algolia. Finally, for maps, you are going to need a valid Google Maps API Key.
Nearo's main features are:
- Optimized for mobile
- Multiple images per post
- Google Maps view
- Any authentication available in Firebase
- Geo-tagging and searching
- Item sharing for Facebook and Twitter
# install dependencies
$ npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm start
# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm start
- Code cleanup
- Implement a chat
- Re-implement the search page on Desktop screens
For bugs, questions, and discussions, please use the Github Issues
For contributing, please see the following links:
Copyright (C) 2020 by Pedro Sanders. MIT License (see LICENSE for details).