Groww Stonks

GrowwStonks is a stock detail website that provides you with the latest stock details, gainer and loser stocks, multiple charts like candlestick, line, bar, etc, and a search bar to search for any stock. It also provides you with a profile page where you can see your favorite stocks and your search history.

Visit GrowwStonks:


Tech Stack Used in GrowwStonks:

  • NextJS 13: A popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, providing a fast and responsive application.
  • React-Query: Powerful asynchronous state management for TS/JS, React.
  • AlphaVantage: The Good API for stock details.

💻 Development

Install Repository

Run Project

Install node modules and run the project

npm i
# or
yarn i
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev


Your project is running on https://localhost:3000.