UploadX: File Upload on Minio Server using Flask

"UploadX" showcases the integration of Flask and Minio for effortless file uploads to a local Minio instance. Users can easily manage and download recently or previously uploaded files through a clean and intuitive interface.


To install the project, clone the repository and navigate to the project directory:

git clone github.com/psankhe28/minio-demo.git

cd minio-demo

Run the minio.

docker-compose up --build

Minio is running with follwoing username and password.

username: minioadmin
password: minioadmin

Install and run the flask app.

python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python app.py

Using Thunderclient/Postman for uploading file using following URL. (POST request)


Using Thunderclient/Postman for downloading file locally using following URL. (GET request)
