Stress Test PHP?

Laboratory: Using lib amphp.


Use the library in real context, with PlayLumenDice.

Getting Started

Install by Docker:

  • docker-compose up --build -d
  • docker exec -it stress-test-app composer install (Optional: --no-dev)
  • docker exec -it stress-test-app composer dump-autoload --optimize

Excecute files:

  • Request API - Sequential: docker exec -it stress-test-app php app/api/sequential.php
  • Request API - Sequential (http-client): docker exec -it stress-test-app php app/api/sequential.php
  • Request API - Parallel: docker exec -it stress-test-app php app/api/parallel.php
  • Create Image - Sequential: docker exec -it stress-test-app php app/image/sequencial.php
  • Create Image - Parallel: docker exec -it stress-test-app php app/image/parallel.php

Monitoring processes

  • Htop: docker exec -it stress-test-app htop

Catch IP PlayLumenDice:

To send request to API, get de IP docker and update files.

  • docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' play-lumen-dice-webserver


Using same networks:

In docker-compose.yml is ref networks to playlumendice_app-network, confirm this info with docker network command:

  • docker network ls;



  • Request API Sequential
Request: 50 
Request 50 total execution time in seconds: 1.110000.
Script total execution time in seconds: 126.000000.
Script memory usage: 2 Mb.
  • Request API Parallel
Request 42 total execution time in seconds: 14.080000.
Request 50 total execution time in seconds: 10.300000.
Script total execution time in seconds: 28.040000.
Script memory usage: 4 Mb.
  • Image Sequential
Image: 50 
Image 50 total execution time in seconds: 0.990000.
Script total execution time in seconds: 45.810000.
Script memory usage: 2 Mb.
  • Image Parallel
Image 37 total execution time in seconds: 4.510000.
Script total execution time in seconds: 57.150000.
Script memory usage: 4 Mb.