
One simple game using terminal (PHP)

Primary LanguagePHP

Terminal Game: What's the number?

A simple PHP game using terminal.


Find out the number before end of lives.



  • Range: 1 and 20.
  • Lives: 5.


  • Range: 1 and 30.
  • Lives: 3.


  • Range: 1 and 35.
  • Lives: 2.

Hard Core

  • Range: 1 and 50.
  • Lives: 1.

Getting Started

Install by Docker:

  • docker-compose up --build -d
  • docker exec -it terminal-game-app composer install (Optional: --no-dev)
  • docker exec -it terminal-game-app composer dump-autoload --optimize
  • Or docker start terminal-game-app


  • Default mode: php app/main.php
  • Easy mode: php app/main.php --mode easy
  • Normal mode: php app/main.php --mode normal
  • Hard mode: app/main.php --mode hard
  • Hard Core mode: php app/main.php --mode hard-core
  • Debug mode: php app/main.php --debug

Play by Docker:

  • Default mode: docker exec -it terminal-game-app <command_default>
  • Easy/Normal/Hard/Hard Code/Debug mode: docker exec -it terminal-game-app <command_*>

Example Output


| Game - Find out the number. [mode:normal]       |
| The number have range 1 - 30.                   |
| You have 3 chance for find out the number       |


| Trick.                                          |
| The number is < 29.                             |
| The number is > 20.                             |

Game Over

| Game Over.                                      |
| ='( Oh no! The number is 26.                    |
| Game Over.                                      |
| =) Congratulations! The number is 26.           |

Dev Context

By Docker

  • docker exec -it terminal-game-app ./vendor/bin/phpcs --colors --report=full --ignore=*/vendor/* --warning-severity=8 --error-severity=1 --standard=PSR12 .

In container

  • ./vendor/bin/phpcs --colors --report=full --ignore=*/vendor/* --warning-severity=8 --error-severity=1 --standard=PSR12 .


By docker

  • All: docker exec -it terminal-game-app ./vendor/bin/phpunit --verbose tests
  • One: docker exec -it terminal-game-app ./vendor/bin/phpunit --filter testDisplayHeader tests/VisionTextTest.php

In container

  • All: ./vendor/bin/phpunit --verbose tests
  • One: ./vendor/bin/phpunit --filter testDisplayHeader tests/VisionTextTest.php