
Library for generating metadata files from CyVerse DE metadata attributes.

Primary LanguageClojureOtherNOASSERTION


A Clojure library designed to generate metadata files for the CyVerse Data Commons repository.


This library is intended to support the generation of multiple file formats. New formats can be added in the future as necessary.

DataCite 3.1

The suggested way to build a DataCite file is to use org.cyverse.metadata-files.datacite/build-datacite. This function accepts a list of AVUs in the format returned by the metadata service and returns an instance of clojure.data.xml.Element representing the metadata file, which can be serialized using any of the serialization methods in org.clojure/data.xml.

The following metadata attributes are currently supported. Note that multiple CyVerse attributes might be associated with a single DataCite element. For example the CyVerse attributes, Identifier and identifierType both map to DataCite's identifier element. The Identifier attribute maps to the element's content whereas the identifierType attribute maps to the element's identifierType attribute.

CyVerse Attribute DataCite Element
Identifier identifier
identifierType identifier
datacite.creator creators
creatorAffiliation creators
creatorNameIdentifier creators
datacite.title titles
datacite.publisher publishers
datacite.publicationyear publicationYear
datacite.resourcetype resourceType
Subject subjects
contributorName contributors
contributorType contributors
AlternateIdentifier alternateIdentifiers
alternateIdentifierType alternateIdentifiers
RelatedIdentifier relatedIdentifiers
relatedIdentifierType relatedIdentifiers
relationType relatedIdentifiers
Rights rightsList
Description descriptions
descriptionType descriptions
geoLocationPlace geoLocations
geoLocationPoint geoLocations
geoLocationBox geoLocations

Any attribute that is associated with the data set that is not in this list is ignored. Similarly, any attribute that is in the list but either contains an empty value or is not associated with the data set is ignored.


user=> (defn build-attributes
  #_=>   "Provides a convenient way to generate metadata attributes in the format returned by the metadata service. The
  #_=>    attributes can be defined as a map if there are no duplicate attribute names. Otherwise, a sequence of vectors
  #_=>    must be used."
  #_=>   [attrs]
  #_=>   (mapv (fn [[attr value]] {:attr attr :value value}) attrs))

user=> (def ^:private min-attrs
  #_=>   {"Identifier"               "the-identifier"
  #_=>    "identifierType"           "DOI"
  #_=>    "datacite.creator"         "Nobody Inparticular"
  #_=>    "creatorAffiliation"       "The University of Nowhere"
  #_=>    "datacite.title"           "A Very Important Data Set"
  #_=>    "datacite.publisher"       "CyVerse Data Commons"
  #_=>    "datacite.publicationyear" "2018"
  #_=>    "datacite.resourcetype"    "Data Set"})

user=> (require '[clojure.data.xml :refer :all] '[org.cyverse.metadata-files.datacite :refer [build-datacite]])

user=> (def xml (build-datacite (build-attributes min-attrs)))

user=> (println (indent-str xml))
;; output omitted for brevity.

DataCite 4.1

The primary interface for creating a DataCite 4.1 file is essentially the same as the interface for creating a DataCite 3.1 file. The function org.cyverse.metadata-files.datacite-4-2/build-datacite returns an instance of clojure.data.xml.Element representing the metadata file. This metadata file generator works with the DOI Request - DataCite 4.1 template in the Discovery Environment, which is a nested metadata template. Because the template is nested, the attributes can have the same names as the DataCite elements. The following attributes are supported.

  • title
    • titleType
    • xml:lang
  • creator
    • affiliation
    • nameIdentifier
      • nameIdentifierScheme
      • schemeURI
  • publisher
  • publicationYear
  • resourceType
    • resourceTypeGeneral
  • contributor
    • contributorType
    • affiliation
    • nameIdentifier
      • nameIdentifierScheme
      • schemeURI
  • description
    • descriptionType
    • xml:lang
  • subject
    • subjectScheme
    • schemeURI
    • xml:lang
  • identifier
  • rights
    • rightsURI
  • version
  • alternateIdentifier
    • alternateIdentifierType
  • relatedIdentifier
    • relatedIdentifierType
    • relationType
  • geoLocation
    • geoLocationPlace
    • geoLocationPoint
      • pointLongitude
      • pointLatitude
    • geoLocationBox
      • northBoundLatitude
      • southBoundLatitude
      • westBoundLongitude
      • eastBoundLongitude
  • fundingreference
    • funderName
      • funderIdentifier
        • funderIdentifierType
  • language
  • size
  • format

As with DataCite 3.1, any attribute that is not in this list is ignored.


user=> (require '[org.cyverse.metadata-files.datacite-4-2 :refer [build-datacite]]
  #_=>          '[clojure.data.xml :refer :all]
  #_=>          :reload-all)

user=> (def min-attrs
  #_=>   [{:attr  "identifier",
  #_=>     :value "   doi:10.1000/182",
  #_=>     :avus  [{:attr  "identifierType",
  #_=>              :value "DOI"}]}
  #_=>    {:attr  "creator",
  #_=>     :value "the-creator"}
  #_=>    {:attr  "title",
  #_=>     :value "the-title"}
  #_=>    {:attr  "publisher",
  #_=>     :value "CyVerse"}
  #_=>    {:attr  "publicationYear",
  #_=>     :value "2019"}
  #_=>    {:attr  "resourceType",
  #_=>     :value "XML",
  #_=>     :avus  [{:attr  "resourceTypeGeneral",
  #_=>              :value "Dataset"}]}])

user=> (println (indent-str (build-datacite min-attrs)))
;; output omitted for brevity.

