
PSAS Standard Operating Procedures and launch day instructions

Primary LanguageHTML


PSAS Launch 11 Procedure Book

Standard Operating Procedures, reference, and support documentation for



The raw book files are markdown. Please keep each major secion in it's own file for easier managment. Files can be editied in place using github's web interface, or simply clone the repo and open the files in your favorite text editor.

Building Book Locally


LaTeX and pandoc installed with LaTeX support.

NOTE: pandoc > 1.12.1 required to use the yaml_metadata_block format in common with jekyll


$ make pdf

For a booklet (printable full duplex on US Letter paper, to be folded in half and staple bound. This requires a fair amount of non standard pdf and ps tools (sorry) check the Makefile and error ouput for hints.

$ make booklet