
An overview of the main concepts of the Spring Boot framework

Primary LanguageJava

Spring Boot Essentials

Spring Boot app showcasing several features of Spring and also using cool tools such as Prometheus and Grafana, all set up with Docker

The project was developed using Spring Boot 2.4 and Java 11.

How to run

  • TLDR: you need docker to run the application.

The container for this application with all services can be found on Docker Hub at https://hub.docker.com/r/psatler/springboot2-essentials.

You can also follow the steps below to run this application:

git clone https://github.com/psatler/spring-boot-essentials.git

cd spring-boot-essentials

docker-compose up

This project has authentication enabled. You can authentication yourself by accessing the http://localhost:8080/login endpoint. Two example accounts are shown at the protected endpoints section below. To logout of the application, just access http://localhost:8080/logout.

  • Main application: accessed on http://localhost:8080
    • you can find the swagger on http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
  • Prometheus: accessed on http://localhost:9090
  • Grafana: accessed on http://localhost:3000
    • at grafana's login page, the credentials are:
      • username: admin
      • password: admin

If you, like me, use DBeaver for browsing the database, you might get this Public Key Retrieval is not allowed error, which can be solved at this link.

In the prometheus.yml file you need to modify the IP in the static_configs, line 27, to the IP of the machine you are running this application on. I used this on a Linux machine (Ubuntu 18.04)

Installing dependencies

mvn install

java -jar target/springboot2-essentials-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Protected endpoints

All endpoints but the ones starting with /actuator/ (for example, /actuator/info) are protected by some sort of basic authentication. The security configuration can be found at SecurityConfig class.

An example user you can use is

  • admin role:

    • username: admin2
    • password: devdojo-pass
  • user role:

    • username: devdojo2
    • password: devdojo-pass

Running integration tests only

You can run the integration test profile created by using the command below

mvn test -Pintegration-tests


Notes taken throughout the implementation of this can be found at Spring-Boot-2-Notes.md.

Other cool related links