
Calls out messages that have already been posted!

How to run

npm run start


Add bot to server: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=929935746167615508&permissions=117760&scope=bot

Deploy to Railway

npm i -g @railway/cli if needed railway up


https://www.prisma.io/docs/getting-started/setup-prisma/start-from-scratch/relational-databases-typescript-postgres npx prisma init

In Dev

Migrate and apply npx prisma migrate dev --name replaced_name_with_username Only generate migration and apply separately npx prisma migrate dev --create-only npx prisma migrate deploy

Then npx prisma generate. Make sure to do this before you push to prod.

Whenever you make changes to your Prisma schema in the future, you manually need to invoke npx prisma generate in order to accommodate the changes in your Prisma Client API.

This reads your Prisma schema and generates a version of Prisma Client that is tailored to your models :O

In prod

railway run npm run migrate:deploy

Run tests

npm run tests