
Here are programs that every budding programmer who is learning to code in Python should start with. These programs are a compilation of many different types of programs and levels of programming you should try. You can use the table in Order Of Programs file to find the order in which it is best to program in.

Primary LanguagePython


Last Updated: May 13' 2021

Here are programs that every budding programmer who is learning to code in Python should start with. These programs are a compilation of many different types of programs and levels of programming you should try. You can use the table in "Order Of Programs" file to find the order in which it is best to program in.


A lot has been said about Python coding and its understandings but before we even start we have to do a little thing there and a little thing there to make it all work seamlessly.

  1. Python Interpreter (Pycharm, Visual Studio).

  2. Python Environment Container (Anaconda Navigator).

  3. A decent laptop/PC to work on with a decent internet connection.


  1. Python (Interpreter):

    a. Python.org: https://www.python.org/

    b. Visual Studio: https://code.visualstudio.com/

    c. Pycharm: https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/

  2. Python Environment Container (anaconda): https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual