Build Status


This project is meant to replace the existing pfio code used by pftools. For now the project is a separate repo, but that will change.


git clone <this repo>    
mkdir parflowio-build
cd parflowio-build
cmake ../parflowio
make test
make docs

This will build a library file (libparflowio.a). To use this library you will also need the header files.

The documentation can be found in docs/html/index.html

Building Python Package

From the parflowio-build directory, created in installation step:

cmake ../parflowio -DBUILD_PYTHON=ON

Python Installation

Required packages:

  • SWIG
  • Numpy
  • pip
  • virtualenv

macOS users should be able to install SWIG using homebrew with the command:

brew install swig

After performing the steps from installation, do the following steps from the parflowio-build directory:

$ cd python/parflowio
$ python install

Note: Suggest using a conda or other non-system environment for this.

Create a new conda environment and activate it:

$ conda create -n parflowio_test ipython numpy pip virtualenv swig pydot -y
$ conda activate parflowio_test

Start an ipython session and load the PFData class

$ ipython
In [1]: from parflowio.pyParflowio import PFData
In [2]: pfb_data = PFData('<path>/parflowio/tests/inputs/press.init.pfb')
In [3]: pfb_data.loadHeader()
In [4]: pfb_data.loadData()
In [5]: data = pfb_data.getDataAsArray()

Testing Python Module

After following install and python install steps above, cd to parflowio/python and run python