Format Library
Library provides functionality for reading/writing custom Java objects which corresponds to the following requirements: 1.Object should contain declared fields of following types only:
- java.lang.Integer
- java.lang.String
- java.util.Date
- java.lang.Boolean
- java.lang.Byte
2.Each field of object must have setter and getter methods named accordingly to the Sun Naming Convention.
3.Object should provide public constructor without any arguments or be constructor-less.
Format library provides 3 basic interfaces:
IReader, performs reading of object's collection of predetermined type
IWriter, performs writing of object's collection of predetermined type
IObject, readable/writable object
an abstract class AbstractObject, which contains implementation of IObject interface based on Java Reflection API. It's recommended for all IObject implementations to extend AbstractObject class.
XMLReader implementation of IReader interface which allows to read objects from XML-files.
XMLWriter implementation of IWriter interface which allows to write objects to XML files accordingly to the specified object's type.
BinaryReader implementation of IReader to perform reading from binary files accordingly with the assignment file format description.
BinaryWriter implementation of IWriter to perform writing to binary files of assignment-specific format.
Positive features of library:
- Provides easy way to store simple objects in XML/binary format without dependency to specific object's class
- Easy extensible interfaces provides an opportunity to create new writers and readers fast enough
- It's easy to add new types, it's needed just to upgrade ETypes enumeration and PropertyUtil utility class to achieve new types processing
Negative features of library:
- Few types supported by default
- There is no mechanism to find one record in the data-source and change it, to edit some object it's necessary to "check-out" whole list, edit and save the whole list again, maybe a lack of productivity, but good enough for small lists of data.