- 15
Greek Alphabet
#41 opened by YakoYakoYokuYoku - 1
Italic font: ccmp is a bit too trigger-happy
#40 opened by drs-p - 6
Downloading project not working properly
#39 opened by Chirotheques - 8
Turkish small caps return wrong glyph
#38 opened by alerque - 2
- 1
- 2
Characters for Middle-Scots and -Welsh
#34 opened by soggysian - 6
- 11
Not available on Homebrew
#33 opened by dei-layborer - 1
Documentation typos
#20 opened by eclecticfluff - 3
- 2
The kerning of numbers around dashes is uneven
#32 opened by lunarythia - 2
afrac feature & Unicode Vulgar Fractions
#31 opened by Alice196498 - 9
Long ſ in Norwegian
#30 opened by sigurdhasle - 1
Turkiſh ğ miſſing from the Italick face.
#28 opened by Alice196498 - 10
add vietnamese support
#22 opened by tommai4881 - 32
- 44
[Enhancement] Long s
#23 opened by Alice196498 - 4
Build_font ſcript potentially broken on Linux
#27 opened by Alice196498 - 9
#24 opened by Alice196498 - 4
- 5
Possible enhancement (or substitute) for sups
#19 opened by Kybernator - 41
STAT version
#7 opened by davelab6 - 12
Shape of ꝙ, U+A759
#18 opened by adunning - 7
Providing variable font with desktop version
#16 opened by adunning - 16
Adding versicle/response signs (U+2123/U+211F)
#17 opened by adunning - 42
Mathematical signs are misaligned
#15 opened by thlinard - 1
f_f.alt ligature
#13 opened by Cogli - 19
full set of superscript digits
#14 opened by Cogli - 2
Missing tag for 1.006
#11 opened by alerque - 1
Trouble with script for merging TT instructions
#12 opened by psb1558 - 1
- 2
Recalibrate opsz from 1/72in to 1/96in
#8 opened by davelab6 - 2
Recalibrate GRAD as 0..1
#9 opened by davelab6 - 2
f.alt and liga in italic
#6 opened by xm-casanova - 3
U+02F7, low tilde
#4 opened by adunning - 8
Below-base diacritic blocks tittle removal
#3 opened by dscorbett - 6
opsz question
#2 opened by Cogli - 2
Click symbols (IPA)
#1 opened by lvcivs