
Downloads github repo, parses its pages, and creates html table with jinja template.

Primary LanguagePython

bundle_lister.py is a Python (3.6.0) web scraper that clones the clr-bundles directory, https://github.com/clearlinux/clr-bundles, parses content in bundles directory and packages file, and then uses Jinja2 to output a file: bundles.html. This html file is a table that appears in webpage. bundle_lister.py will be invoked in a bash script upon daily builds of the website. bundle_lister.py automates documentation so it shows current bundles and packages per latest updates to the clr-bundles GitHub repository.

See requirements.txt for modules/packages necessary for environment.

To run bundle_lister.py in the terminal, enter: python bundle_lister.py.

Note: A successful build will produce a file named bundles.html showing a table of current bundles and pundles (packages) alphabetized.

In a future iteration, this program will be invoked from a bash script as noted above.