FHIRKit Create React App
A create-react-app template using the FHIRKit Client with an Express.js server.
View an example deployment of the app at https://fhir-kit-react.herokuapp.com.
$ yarn global add create-react-app
$ yarn global add craftool
Using the template
$ craft MyFHIRKitApp https://github.com/Vermonster/fhir-kit-create-react/archive/master.zip
$ cd MyFHIRKitApp
$ yarn install-kit
Running the app
yarn start
will use Concurrently to run src/server/main.js
and react-scripts start
. The app starts out with an example
of a patient name search using FHIRKit Client surfaced to a React app using Ant Design UI components.
Update the react build with yarn build
. Use the example express server to serve the new build. For example:
$ yarn build
$ git init .
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial commit for my new FHIRKit create react app"
$ heroku create
$ git subtree push --prefix src/server heroku master
$ heroku open
Copyright (c) 2018 Vermonster LLC