
bluetooth sniffer

Primary LanguagePython


change apt-get source to ustc

  1. /etc/apt/sources.list

deb http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/raspbian/raspbian/ buster main contrib non-free rpi
  1. sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list

deb http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/archive.raspberrypi.org/debian/ buster main ui
  1. ** remember to change stretch to buster ** for raspberry buster system

install ubertooth driver

  1. Prerequisites
sudo apt-get install git cmake libusb-1.0-0-dev make gcc g++ libbluetooth-dev \
pkg-config libpcap-dev python-numpy python-pyside python-qt4
  1. build libbtbb
git clone https://github.com/greatscottgadgets/libbtbb.git
cd libbtbb
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

Linux users: if you are installing for the first time, or you receive errors about finding the library, you should run:

sudo ldconfig
  1. build Ubertooth tool
  2. The Ubertooth repository contains host code for sniffing Bluetooth packets, configuring the Ubertooth and updating firmware. All three are built and installed by default using the following method:
git clone https://github.com/greatscottgadgets/ubertooth.git
cd ubertooth/host
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

Linux users: if you are installing for the first time, or you receive errors about finding the library, you should run:

sudo ldconfig

install blue_hydra

a bluetooth sniffering tool, combined with Ubertooth one, which can sniffer data from Lower Address Part (LAP), no like the original Kismet, which can only sniffer data from HCI level

this blue_hydra is clone from : ZeroChao BlueHydra, which seems recording all sniffered bluetooth devices, not like the original bluehydra

  1. clone source and build it
git clone https://github.com/ZeroChaos-/blue_hydra
  1. config
  • open rssi log, in ``blue_hydra_source_dir/blue_hydra.yml`
rssi_log: true

cp template_blue_hydar.serice /etc/systemd/system/blue_hydra.service
sudo systemctl enable blue_hydra.service
sudo systemctl start blue_hydra.service
sudo systemctl status blue_hydra.service


  1. File loaction to collect bluetooth device information, it is needed to combine the data from two sources:

    • table blue_hydra_devices from blue_hydra.db in source_dir_blue_hydra
    • the blue_hydra_rssi.log in source_dir_blue_hydra
  2. Ignored permission of blue_hydra.db currently, if we change the persission of blue_hydra like this way, it will cause serious problem on staring blue_hydra and generating rssi_log file after forced delete change the permission of blue_hydra.db for the further step to add trigger function

chmod 777 -R source_dir_of_blue_hydra
  1. Smaple Codes:
    • a sql script to load device from blue_hydra_device db from
SELECT address, name, vendor, company, manufacturer, 
       classic_mode AS classic, 
       le_mode AS le, le_address_type, 
       updated_at as last_seen,
       classic_major_class, classic_minor_class, classic_class 
FROM blue_hydra_devices 
WHERE CAST(strftime('%s',updated_at) AS integer) 
* sample code to exec sql query from [](https://github.com/corbanvilla/BluetoothDetection/blob/master/python/query.py):
import sqlite3

# Defininitions
databasePath = '/home/animcogn/blue_hydra.db'
sqlCommand = "SELECT uuid, name, vendor, created_at, updated_at \
              FROM blue_hydra_devices WHERE status = 'online';" #Query for data from blue_hydra

#Main function to be called elsewhere
def queryDatabase():
    #Connect to database
        conn = sqlite3.connect(databasePath)
        c = conn.cursor()

        #Query for data, then store in list
            results = c.fetchall()
            return results
            conn.close() #Close connection with database
        except Exception as e:
            print("Unable to query database: " + str(e))
    except Exception as e:
        print("Unable to connect to database: " + str(e))


  1. enviroment of needed packages
pip3 install timeloop
sudo apt-get install python3-influxdb
  1. modification of blue_hydra source codes
    • modify runner.rb to recreate blue_hydra_rssi.log file after forced delete from python scrip add some codes between line 835 and 836, like:
#file location: `blue_hydra_source_dir/lib/blue_hydra/runner.rb`
#line 835: msg = [ts, type, address, rssi].join(' ')

rssi_logfile = File.expand_path('../../../blue_hydra_rssi.log', __FILE__)
if not File.exists?(rssi_logfile)
  puts "reopen rssi log file"

#line 836: BlueHydra.rssi_logger.info(msg)

* modify blue_hydra.rb to change the default set to enable rssi_log
#file location: 'blue_hydra_source_dir/lib/blue_hydra.rb'

#line 69
"rssi_log"           => true,

make the sniffer.py as service

nano wifi_sniffer.servcie

Description=BT Sniffer Service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/projects/bt_sniffer/sniffer.py


** key: need to add 'User=pi', otherwise, the module Kismest_rest will not be loaded **

Steps to start service

$ cd project_dir
$ sudo cp wifi_sniffer.service /lib/systemd/system/bt_sniffer.service
$ sudo chmod 644 /lib/systemd/system/bt_sniffer.service
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl enable bt_sniffer.service
$ sudo systemctl start bt_sniffer.service