
Fork of xoat, An obstinate, asymmetric, tiling, window manager for X. Configured to my likings

Primary LanguageC


X Obstinate Asymmetric Tiler

  • Designed for wide screens, including multi-head support.
  • Static tiling; you choose three fixed tiles at build-time.
  • Windows never move between tiles or monitors automatically.
  • Bare minimum EWMH to support panels and simpleswitcher.
  • A few keyboard controls for moving, focusing, cycling, closing, and finding windows.
  • Transient windows and dialogs are centered on parent, not tiled.
  • Splash screens and notification popups are displayed as requested, not tiled.
  • config.h for customization of borders and keys.

The Layout

  • Layout is chosen at build time.
  • Tile proportions can be adjusted.
  • Can be flipped horizontally.
  • Xrandr rotated monitor also rotates layout (always 90 degrees, right).


---------------------------------     ---------------------------------
|                     |         |     |         |                     |
|                     |         |     |         |                     |
|                     |    2    |     |    2    |                     |
|          1          |         |     |         |           1         |
|                     |---------|     |---------|                     |
|                     |         |     |         |                     |
|                     |    3    |     |    3    |                     |
---------------------------------     ---------------------------------

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|                   |     |       |           |
|                   |     |   3   |     2     |
|                   |     |       |           |
|         1         |     |-------------------|
|                   |     |                   |
|                   |     |                   |
|                   |     |                   |
|                   |     |                   |
|-------------------|     |         1         |
|       |           |     |                   |
|   3   |     2     |     |                   |
|       |           |     |                   |
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  • Asymmetric tiling layouts are more useful than symmetric ones.
    • A master/stack layout is fine but only if the stack is itself asymmetric.
  • Static tiling is more practical than dynamic tiling or floating.
    • Windows moving and resizing without user input is bad.
    • Having a choice of tiling layouts at run time is distracting.
    • Apps that remember their size can handily be placed back in the correct tile.
  • Three tiles suffice because:
    • App windows are always one of four types:
      1. Large work-being-done apps
      2. Medium monitoring-something apps
      3. Small background-chat-music apps
      4. Apps people should not use ;-)
    • Want more tiles? Buy more monitors!
  • Keyboard controls generally preferred over the mouse, when practical.
    • Faster. Muscle memory.
  • Click-to-focus model preferred over focus-follows-mouse.
    • FfM means mentally keeping track of the mouse or warping the pointer around.
    • CtF is harder to get wrong and makes it easy to forget about the mouse for some tasks.
  • 2/3 is a nice fraction.


All customization happens in config.h. See in-line comments there. It's tracked, so use a local git branch or a merge tool to protect any customization.