Contractual SemVer

Libraries that follow Semantic Versioning (SemVer) increment major version numbers when backwards-incompatible changes are introduced. It does not say, however, how we are to interpret "backwards compatibility."

Contractual SemVer uses the idea of Software contracts to let authors rigorously define "backwards compatibility" for their libraries.


Contracts are expressed in various ways, depending on the language and contract system. Wikipedia's design-by-contract page contains contract systems for many popular programming languages.

Contractual SemVer libraries use machine-understandable contracts when possible, but may fall back to natural language contracts as needed.

Libraries may increment minor and patch versions when the contracts are not changed, or are weakened. Some examples:

  • A precondition is changed to newly allow a null argument.
  • A postcondition is added, declaring that a negative number will never be returned.

A major version increment is needed when contracts are strengthened.

Benefits for library authors

  • Minimize discussion about whether a major version increment is required.
  • Reduce the probability that clients become dependent on implementation details.
  • Communicate your commitment to responsible behavioral evolution.

If you follow Contractual SemVer, let your consumers know by adding a SemVer: Contractual badge:

[![SemVer: Contractual](](

Benefits for library consumers

  • Know which behaviors you can expect over time.
  • Use the library's contracts to decide version constraints or bounds.
  • Use tools like CrossHair to automatically detect whether you're relying on implementation details.

Contractual SemVer Tools

Find contract libraries for your programming language on wikipedia's design-by-contract page.

Additionally, some of these tools may be useful for contractual SemVer:

  • CrossHair (Python). Library authors can use CrossHair's symbolic execution engine to verify their contracts. Library consumers can use CrossHair to automatically detect when they are dependent on implementation details. See these CrossHair docs for more information.
  • (Make a pull request to add more ...)

Related Work

  • tdver supports a similar kind of versioning rigor, but is based on test case changes rather than contracts.