- 3
SSH authentication failed
#28 opened by ringge - 2
Using --mount instead of -v for backup dirs
#26 opened by cortlieb - 2
borg compact executed with -e PRUNE=1?
#27 opened by cortlieb - 4
Call `borg extract` with option `--progress` ?
#25 opened by cortlieb - 2
- 16
Where to place the sshfs identity file
#23 opened by cortlieb - 3
- 3
Truenas Scale fuse error
#20 opened by d1nd141 - 1
Creating SSHFS fails when using SSHFS_PASSWORD with special characters (such as #)
#16 opened by jonded94 - 4
- 3
Keep it up-to-date/add CI/CD
#9 opened by rugk - 1
Script comments
#10 opened by rugk - 5
Cannot backup unencrypted repostitory
#6 opened by Matzz - 1
Update of docker image on dockerhub
#8 opened by maik-s - 1
Official docker image
#7 opened by pierreozoux - 1
Can not init backup
#5 opened by TribuneX - 2
locale warning while restoring
#3 opened by bbigras - 1
How to provide ssh key?
#1 opened by jckoester