
Primary LanguageJavaScript



Component (mixin): name: String # for referencing abstract: Boolean # can't be used directly, inheritence only content: [Component|Include] || null data: Data || DataSource how to push down, loop over data, data of parent?

Page Model: type: 'page' route: String route_aliases: [String] # will redirect to official route layout: String #inherit from this component but how deep? which data

  • Component

Snippet: type: 'snippet' +Component

Include: type: 'include' name: String including: String (only Snippets can be included)

Asset: type: 'asset' url: String


Includes: component: String components: [String] assets: [String]

need a recursive select to get all the components

needed at all? the components table could do this.

example: { type: 'page', route: '/de/' route_aliases: ['/'] content: [ { type: 'row_container, name: 'greeter', template: 'page_greeters' content: [ { type: 'header-component', //not needed page greeters set this! params: { importance: 'huge' } data: { text: 'Hello my friend' } } ] }, { type: 'column_container', name: 'about' content: [ { type: 'md-text-component', params: {}, content: $data.md_text data_source: { GrahqlSubquery } } ] } ] }

Interpreting texts to check for dangling links/unused/unreachable/non existing pages/assets:

  • extracting references to other pages
  • extracting references to external pages
  • extracting references to images/assets


404 tracking Google Analytics integration Live Preview/Wysiwyg Preview only for admins Multiple versions of page, Page history Assets management (s3, cloudinary, fs, ....?) Component development by devs Css can be part of the data sections of components caching, file caching, data caching, fragment caching ignore GA when user is known (logged in) authentication over account how to query the fragments of a page how to share/split fragemtns transparently content/data editor forms? form generator, api calls only, ....

content include logic? dataquery logic? (depending on url(params,query), time, requestheaders,....), how much logic to allow? where, when? what does dev do, what designer, what content editor?

use cases:

  • super individual page
  • a page is designed first and then others are copying it
  • a page template is flexible some parts may be overriden others not

Dev: develops Snippet types (Showers and Editors) Designer: designs templates for pages, snippets creates pages with snippets Dev: helps with complex data log where needed Author: creates new content, with content editor