
Repo to test page transitions with Alien.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Repo to test page transitions with Alien.js


  1. npm install
  2. npm run dev
  3. Go to localhost:1234


  • Opening index page runs SSS example correctly, but going to index2 and coming back does not display the canvas element.

Barba.js working:

  • The html pages have data-barba="wrapper" & data-barba="container" tags. When moving to another page, the content inside element having data-barba="container" tag is replaced with the next page's element having data-barba="container" by checking data-barba-namespace.
  • Both html include app.js script which initializes Barba.
  • Barba has transitions and views.
    • Transitions are objects used to animate moving to another page. They contain once, enter and leave methods.
      • once is executed when the page is first loaded.
      • leave is executed before leaving the current page (here we write fade away animations).
      • enter is executed when entering next page (here we write fade in animations)
    • We tell which transition to execute based on to condition.
    • View are used to initialize/destroy code during page transitions. (Example to add and remove eventListners after entering and leaving a page)
      • beforeEnter is executed before once or enter method, and so forth for the rest.