
Convert Zim Desktop Wiki to Markdown

Primary LanguagePython

Zim to Markdown conversion

Executable Python module for converting Zim Wiki to logseq-compatible Markdown.


Just have python3 for your default Python engine.

Use the scripts

Convert single files


./zim2logseq.py <input.file >output.file


./zim2obsidian.py <input.file >output.file

Under windows: If you are on Windows, you might be required to explicitely mention your python interpreter in the command line. May be like so:

C:\Programs\Python3.8\python3.exe zim2logseq.py <input.file >output.file

Convert a complete notebook

./zim2logseq.py /path/to/original/Notes /path/to/new/Notes

Use it as a Python module

Clone this Github project as a submodule:

git submodule add https://github.com/pschwede/zim2md.git zim2md

Code example

from zim2md import zim2logseq

with open("input.file", "r") as _f: