Astroinformatics Summer School 2022


"Day 0": Getting Started/Fundamentals of Machine Learning

Optimization (github)

  • Gradient Descent Lab
    This lab serves two purposes: providing intution about the gradient descent algorithm for optimizing functions and making sure that students are able to access the servers for the workshop.

Day 1: Fundamentals of Machine Learning

Regression & Classification (github)

  • Philosophy of Astroinformatics: slides
  • Linear Regression Lab: slides
  • Logistic Regression Lab: slides
  • Application: Classifying High-redshift Quasars I Lab

Data Mining

Day 2: Machine Learning in Practice

Regularized Regression for Machine Learning (github)

  • Regularized Regression Lab: slides

Dimensional Reduction (github)

  • Slides
  • Intro to PCA Lab
  • Kernel PCA & SVMs Lab
  • Application: Classifying High-redshift Quasars II Lab
  • Application: Galaxy classification Lab

Day 3: Hierarchical Modeling & Intro to Neural Networks

Bayesian Computing (github)

  • Monte Carlo Integration Lab: slides
  • Application: Hierarchical Model of Galaxy Evolution: slides
  • Intro to Probabilistic Programming Languages Lab
  • Hierarchical Modeling via a PPL

Neural Networks (slides & github)

  • Application: Neural Networks Lab (Classifying High-redshift Quasars III)

Day 4: Modern Machine Learning Methods

Variational Inference (slides & github)

  • Application: Image classificaiton

Scientific Machine Learning (github)

  • Scientific Machine Learning Lab: slides

Day 5: High-Performance Computing

High-Performance Computing (github)

  • Slides:

  • Linear Algebra with GPUs Lab

  • Neural Networks with GPUs Lab

  • Putting the Peice Together: [slides](Putting the Peice Together Ford.pdf)

Additional Resources

What is Astroinformatics? The Place of Machine Learning in Astronomy & Astrophysics

Professional Organizations