The humble basics of a bitcoin node that can handshake with another node, written as a coding exercise.
To run the test suite, simply
go test ./...
To check that the handshake with another node succeeds, first run a local bitcoin node. For example:
go run
If you delete ~/.btcd/data/mainnet/peers.json
and pass -ddebug --nodnsseed
as arguments to btcd, you will be able to see mynode
connecting in the log.
Then, in another terminal, run the example program
go run ./cmd
Example output:
➜ fluffy:mynode git:(main) ✗ go run ./cmd
2024/06/20 16:00:54 Connected to
2024/06/20 16:00:54 sending our version {Version:70016 Services:1 Timestamp:1718895654 AddrRecv:{Time:1718895654 Services:1 IP:} AddrFrom:{Time:0 Services:0 IP:invalid AddrPort} Nonce:7595319339721391208 UserAgent:/pscott31-mynode:0.0.1/ StartHeight:0 Relay:false}
2024/06/20 16:00:54 received their version: {Version:70016 Services:1101 Timestamp:1718895654 AddrRecv:{Time:0 Services:1101 IP:} AddrFrom:{Time:0 Services:1101 IP:invalid AddrPort} Nonce:7241563614374867889 UserAgent:/btcwire:0.5.0/btcd:0.24.2/ StartHeight:385463 Relay:true}
2024/06/20 16:00:54 sending version acknowledgement
2024/06/20 16:00:54 received message: {Magic:3652501241 Command:sendaddrv2 Length:0 Checksum:3806393949 Payload:[]}
2024/06/20 16:00:54 received message: {Magic:3652501241 Command:verack Length:0 Checksum:3806393949 Payload:[]}