
Simulator for different models of computation

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simulator for different models of computation.

Project Structure

This project was built using React on top of JavaScript. It operates simply as a web application, and there is no need for a database backend. Within our file structure, you can see that there is a folder titled src that contains all of our working files. Within src exists two important folders: pages and components.

The pages folder contains information specific to each model type (DFA, NFA, PDA, Turing Machine). While there is some overlap, it is important that these remain separate so that corresponding user inputs are handled correctly. The Tape.js file is part of the Turing Machine.

The components folder contains many folders that each contain a JS and CSS file to help build a given component. Each component within this folder is used in either the App.js file that is compiled, or in a subfile that is called in App.js. An important folder inside of the components folder is the input folder. The input folder contains the logic that handles all of our different models. Each model is handled in a separate file. These components are crucial to building different aspects of our webpage.

Running Locally

  1. Clone the repository to your device.

  2. In the terminal, run “npm install” inside the project directory to make sure you have npm installed.

  3. Install bootstrap with “npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap".

  4. Run “npm start”.

And voila! You have the web application running on your local device!

To run the unit tests, run "npm test".


  1. In the package.json file, make sure you have a homepage field. Ex: "homepage": "https://myusername.github.io/my-app",

  2. Run “npm install --save gh-pages”

  3. Make sure the following scripts are in the package.json file - "predeploy": "npm run build" and "deploy": "gh-pages -d build"

  4. Run “npm run deploy”

Now your updated version should be deployed on github pages!

Accessing Webpage

To access the deployed version of the webpage, visit this link.