This is a static HTML/CSS/JavaScript site I created to solve Daily Programmer #157, some eight+ years ago.
- To try it out NOW, visit
- To try it out on your machine:
- Download/clone/unpack the (eight+ years-old) source, then
- launch the game one of three exciting ways!
- (linux/Mac) run
- launch
in your browser. (If ASCII Birds is launched from the filesystem, the "(?) HOW TO PLAY" link will not function. You can still view the help page manually.) - Using the Sinatra app:
bundle exec rackup
- (linux/Mac) run
- To run Jasmine specs,
- launch
in your browser.
- launch
- To run jshint,
- install nodejs and jshint (QED--this exercise left for the reader).
jshint site/javascripts/core
If you plan to inspect the project's source, please do me a solid and read the Notes, Goals, and most importantly, the "Things I could and probably should improve, but won't" section.
This is an in-the-browser implementation of "ASCII Birds", which is a simplified, turn-based flappy birds clone. The meat of ASCII Birds is implemented in client-side JavaScript.
For my own convenience, I have included a shell script (
) that launches Ruby/WEBrick and a browser to open the page. The server runs at port 3000.
For full details of the "ASCII Birds" problem, or to find similar solutions, visit
- Get into the swing of things
- Solve a fun problem
- Try out jasmine specs
- Experiment with organizing JavaScript code
- Try out lo-dash