Cell and Object Classification in CSF

Accompanies our paper:

Leonille Schweizer, Philipp Seegerer et al. "Analysing Cerebrospinal Fluid with Explainable Deep Learning: from Diagnostics to Insights", accepted for publication in Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology.


The data are available at Zenodo.

How To

The pipeline is built on Sacred, Snakemake and PyTorch.

First, create a local_config.py to set up Sacred:

log_dir_root = "/path/to/runs"

def setup_logger(ex):
    # Configuration of Sacred experiment logger
def add_observers(ex):
    # You need at least the FS observer because it creates the output dir where eg. model files and predictions are saved.

    # Add Mongo/Slack or other Sacred observers to the experiment
    # E.g.

Snakemake Workflow

  1. Create an experiment configuration in YAML format, e.g. yourconfig.yml ( like dummy_experiment_config.yml), that contains the:
    • experiment_name: name of the experiment in format <name>_v<version:02d>
    • classes: list of classes that are included (long name, e.g. "aktivierter Lymphozyt")
    • num_classes: number of class groups during training, i.e. output neurons
    • common_config: dictionary of config updates common for all runs in this experiment.
    • config_updates: dictionary of config updates for the individual runs, mapping "<run_id>" -> <config_update>.
  2. Call the snakemake workflow with snakemake all --cores all --configfile yourconfig.yml. This will automatically detect which stages of the workflow have to be executed. Add your custom cluster configuration according to the snakemake docs. E.g., if --default-resources gpus=0 --cluster "qsub -l cuda={resources.gpus} -binding linear:4 -cwd -V -q all.q" is provided, distributes it to different qsub jobs (in parallel, if possible) . The stages are connected like (example for two experiment runs):

Snakemake Workflow

This will train the model and create a classification report in /path/to/runs/<sacred_run_id>/