
decision-making journal prototype [JavaFX]

Primary LanguageJava

Bitmind - Decision Making Assistant (University Project)

Cover image for the Bitmind project with a screenshot of its graphical user interface on Windows 10.

A desktop app to help journal tough decisions, possible choices, and the consequences of those choices.

Development instructions using the IntelliJ IDE

  1. Install the Java 11 JDK.
  2. Install the JavaFX library (it's no longer bundled with the JDK).
  3. Load the project.
  4. File > Project Structure... > Project > Project SDK: Set to Java 11. Click OK.
  5. Right click and run the source file: src/main/ca.ubc.cs.cpsc210/ui/App.java so it appears in Configurations in the top right.
  6. Click the Configurations dropdown and click Edit Configurations....
  7. Add the following to VM options:
--module-path ${JAVAFX_LIB_PATH}
--add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,javafx.graphics

Set an environment variable called JAVAFX_LIB_PATH or replace ${JAVAFX_LIB_PATH} with the path to your JavaFX installation.

On my Windows machine, I installed JavaFX at C:\lib\javafx-sdk-11.0.2\lib. On my Linux machine, I installed it at /usr/share/java/.

  1. You're ready to go. Build and have fun!
    • Tip: You can clean the build using Build > Build Artifacts... > Clean.