
Timeseries Clustering with Gaussian Kernels

Primary LanguageTeX


This repository contains the code for our paper:

Efficient Time-Series Clustering through Sparse Gaussian Modeling
Dimitris Fotakis, Panagiotis Patsilinakos, Eleni Psaroudaki, Michalis Xefteris
Paper: https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4893/17/2/61

  title={Efficient Time-Series Clustering through Sparse Gaussian Modeling},
  author={Fotakis, Dimitris and Patsilinakos, Panagiotis and Psaroudaki, Eleni and Xefteris, Michalis},


├── images                  # All images
│   ├── dtw                 # Images for dtw metric
│   |    ├── ami            # AMI images
│   |    ├── ari            # ARI images
│   ├── euclidean           # Images for euclidean metric
│   |    ├── ami            # AMI images
│   |    ├── ari            # ARI images
│   ├── runtime             # Runtime images
│   └── additional          # Additional images
├── src                     # Contains the code and the results
│   ├── analytics           # Contains the results for each a-m combination
│   ├── results             # Contains the avg and std over a for each m and run-times
│   └── ...                 # source code
├── tables                  # Tables in tex and md form 
│   ├── dtw                 # Tables for dtw metric
│   |    ├── ami            # AMI tables
│   |    ├── ari            # ARI tables
│   ├── euclidean           # Tables for euclidean metric
│   |    ├── ami            # AMI tables
│   |    ├── ari            # ARI tables
│   └── runtime             # Runtime tables
└── ...                     # README, yml

Find which dataset's results are not available

For our convenience, we have created a bash script that checks the files in the results folder and prints all the combinations of (dataset, metric, with/without preprocessing) that are missing. To run and save the results to a file simply:

bash ./findMissing.sh > missing.txt

or in Linux environment run

chmod u+x findMissing.sh  

and then simply

./findMissing.sh > missing.txt