
This repo uses terraform to provision an eks cluster that will run Jenkins on AWS

Primary LanguageHCL

Terraform with EKS and Jenkins


This repo uses terraform to provision an AWS EKS managed kubernetes cluster following this tutorial

TL;DR:Terraform and EKS on AWS

  1. Set up your IAM profile to be able to do kubernetes things.
  2. Build the infrastructure
  3. configure the new cluster with vars.

TODO: TL;DR:Deploy Jenkins onto EKS

  1. TODO: Set up Jenkins IAM
  2. TODO: Set up Jenkins Master
  3. TODO: Set up Jenkins Executors

Command Line Tools

AWS cli kubectl aws-iam-authenticator

  • download authenticator via curl
  • make executable
  • mv to classpath (cp aws-iam-authenticator /usr/local/sbin)
aws —version #need version 1.16.8+
aws sts get-caller-identity #uses this IAM profile for kubectl exec

Terraform AWS Architecture

  • vpc
  • 2 subnets
  • route table
  • route table association
EKS Master
  • security group
  • security group rule (local workstation to master)
  • iam role
  • iam policy documents
  • eks master
EKS Workers
  • security group
  • security group rule (node to node)
  • security group rule (node to master)
  • security group rule (master to node)
  • iam role
  • iam policy documents
  • eks master
Autoscaling Group / Config
  • autoscaling group
  • asg launch configuration
  • amazon ami for kubernetes

Configure local workstation with kube_config

  • Apply eks config
  • Apply worker nodes config
terraform output kube_config > ~/.kube/config
terraform output config_map_aws_auth > config_map_aws_auth.yaml
kubectl apply -f config_map_aws_auth.yaml
kubectl get nodes —watch
Verify Architecture