
a generic sparse table c library.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Sparse table is a data structure for fast queries on a static data set.


  1. Function-like Macros

  2. Shared Library

Both these 2 ways share almost the same interfaces:

  • sparse_table_new create the sparse_table instance.

    time complexity: O(n * log(n)) space complexity: O(n)


    • type: (function-like macro only) element type of the sparse table.
    • array: the static data set.
    • n: number of elements in array.
    • method: function pointer, like: min, max, gcd, sum, etc..
  • sparse_table_free free all the resources created by sparse_table_new.


    • inst: the sparse_table instance.
  • sparse_table_query query the result for range [l, r]. operation should not cares overlapping ranges for quick calculation, like: min, max, gcd.

    time complexity: O(1)


    • inst: the sparse_table instance.
    • l: lower bound.
    • r: upper bound.
  • sparse_table_accum accumulate the result for range [l, r]. this is supposed to calculate sum or other arithmetics or bitwise operations.

    time complexity: O(log(n))


    • inst: the sparse_table instance.
    • l: lower bound.
    • r: upper bound.
    • initial: initial value for the accumulation.

BE AWARE: for memeber function query and accum, parameter l and r are not validated. when l > r the return value will be non-sense.